Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Extra Credit: Hunger Games and Racism

 The report “Racist Hunger Games Fans Are Very Disappointed" by Dodai Stewart demonstrates how certain Americans really felt after watching the movie and having the characters that they imagined turn out to be something they didn't expect. Apparently many people took to social media websites to voice their disappointment in movie executives casting African American actors for the roles of Rue, Cinna and others in the story. Although the roles were filled by great actors including the very famous Lenny Kravitz people over looked the acting and in fact demonstraight the deep rooted racial issues that are so often not talked about in America. Why couldn't Rue be black? Why was that such a disappointment when all the evidence in the novel led to that? How could something so meniscal actually "ruin" a movie? I think these are things that even in modern day America are real front and center issues. Even in a day when our President is black people are unconsciously being racist. The fact that when we think of an angel the first thought that comes to our head is a white skinned blonde hair baby is actually really sad. Just like people angels and children come in all shapes and sizes. I think just by reading this article people re-evaluated their own unconscious racial thoughts. This article gives us the opportunity to see that innocence is NOT depicted by the color of skin rather than who the character actually is and why you fell in love with them.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Focusing on a Character from Hunger Games

For our final class assignment we have to choose a charector from the book "The Hunger Games" and create a novel from that charectors perspective. For this assignment I choose to write from Prim. I plan on writing from Prims perspective as she is watching her older sister Katniss on this reality tv show. My biggest goal in writing from Prim would be to give her a voice. I want my reader to view Prim from my perspective by recreating a scene. I think the biggest challege that i might face would actually be giving her a voice and using my imagination to recreate my vision.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Importance of Being Earnest

In this blog I will give a summerazation of The Importance of Being Earnest according to  Notes on Love and Marriage by Michael Vance. Micheal Vance uses charector interactions to analyze the scenes that Oscar Wilde is attempting to portray. These interactions with one another we are able to find one of the most essential themes throughout this play which is marriage, and how the view of it varies amongst the charectors. An example of this would be Vance quoting Alegrnon when he states "I really don't see anything romantic in proposing. It is very romantic to be in love. But there is nothing romantic about a definite proposal. Why, one may be accepted. One usually is, I believe. Then the excitement is all over. The very essence of romance is uncertainty. If ever I get married, I'll try to forget the fact"(Algernon) According to Vance this clearly means that marriage is the end of all romance. He later gives Lady Blackwell as an example of how these charectors viewed marriage as not exactly the happiest time in a persons life. When she discribes her friend and later how another friend seemed to be damaged after being married. I do agree with Vances analysis on these charectors and how they view marriage. Neither of them take it very seriously and describe marriage as a contract rather than a commitment of love.